To help companies stay abreast of the constantly changing business environment in China, Asia, Mexico & CEE and to provide new insights into the latest market developments, we conduct webinars on a regular basis. The webinars address a wide range of topics and are designed to enable companies to better identify and leverage new opportunities to drive growth and increase company value.
Below you will find audio/video recordings from selected webinars for your listening convenience, as well as the presentations used throughout each webinar.
Please sign up for our upcoming webinars to stay up-to-date on the latest market developments!
Global Manufacturing & Supply Chain Footprint Analysis & Implementation
What are the key issues which executives are facing when diversifying their supply chain & manufacturing?
Metals-Industry Sourcing & Supply Chain in Mexico
How Mexico helps navigate tariff, labor & supply opportunities
Commercial, Operational & Organizational Diagnosis of China Operations
Why are manufacturers relocating out of China? What are some critical considerations?
Feasibility Study: Future tariffs and landed costs from China a concern?
Client is a publicly traded Georgia manufacturer of electronic products, who was concerned about
the long-term viability of their China operation.
Setting up your company’s operating structure in Mexico
Executives whose companies face profitability or expansion challenges by manufacturing in the US, and who are considering Mexico as an alternative.
Is Mexico an option for moving your US operations?
Client is a North Carolina-based manufacturer of outdoor recreational equipment, with a major factory in North Carolina plus 2 smaller operations in China, 3 in Thailand, & 1 in Vietnam.
Closing China Operations? The Dangers & Challenges of Closing a Factory
The process of closing China operations can threaten a company’s ability to properly serve its customers. If the plan is not carefully thought-through and not properly implemented, a plant closure can stress a company’s operational stability, strain supplier relationships, and risk one’s brand reputation around the world.
Relocating Out of China? Critical Considerations
Companies are relocating their China-based operations to reduce labor costs, lessen tariff exposure, protect their IP, and move closer to customers. If you’re looking at doing so as well, you’ll need to be prepared for some new challenges.
Thailand’s Incentives for US Automotive Manufacturers & Suppliers
In an era where the global manufacturing landscape is rapidly evolving, automotive suppliers with operations in China face unique challenges and opportunities.
Future Webinars
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