How to Approach China Alternatives: Mexico, Southeast Asia & Central Eastern Europe


How to Approach China Alternatives: Mexico, Southeast Asia & Central Eastern Europe

How to Approach China Alternatives

About The Webinar

Your Global Supply Chain & Manufacturing Footprint Strategy

East West Associates Manufacturing and Supply Chain Roundtable with Senior Executives

Manufacturing for export and sourcing in China is becoming more difficult due to increasing labor costs, high production expenses, volatile tariffs, political tensions, as well as challenging and changing rules & regulations.

Attractive alternatives exist for relocating China supply chain & operations including Mexico, Southeast Asia, and Central/Eastern Europe.

But how do you create a coherent strategy for your global footprint?

Developing a global footprint strategy requires analyzing your goals, markets, manufacturing operations, and supply chain network. It includes identifying new manufacturing and supply venues that could maintain quality, increase efficiencies, decrease duplication, control costs, and reduce risk.

We provided 3 real-life examples of US companies diversifying their supply chain & manufacturing to Mexico, Poland and Thailand.

The webinar discussion focused on why corporate executives selected these 3 countries.

The webinar addressed key questions such as:

    • What questions should executives be asking to determine whether to diversify their supply chain & manufacturing?
    • What metrics does a company use to determine what is the best country and site location?
    • What are the costs involved in diversifying supply chain & manufacturing?
    • What are the unique challenges in Mexico, Southeast Asia & Poland?
    • What type of industry sectors are diversifying into these 3 markets?
    • What problems can we anticipate if we close our operations in China?
How to Approach China Alternatives


Mark Plum | Director, East West Associates
  • Former President of Briggs & Stratton Asia (NYSE: BGG)
  • VP Sales & Marketing, American Standard Thailand & American Standard China
Dan McLeod | Director, East West Associates
  • Former Director Asia Pacific Operations-Ashland Specialty Ingredients (NYSE: ASH)
  • General Manager-Eaton Corporation (Philippines)
  • Director of Asia Pacific Manufacturing and Supply Chain-Hercules
Relocating or Expanding Operations & Supply Chain From China to Vietnam and Thailand

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Relocating or Expanding Operations & Supply Chain From China to Vietnam and Thailand



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Reconfiguring Global Supply Chain Footprint


Reconfiguring Global Supply Chain Footprint

Reconfiguring Global Supply Chain Footprint

About The Webinar

East West Roundtable with Senior Executives

This webinar discusses the opportunities that exist for companies to expand their global manufacturing and supply chains into Southeast Asia.

Reconfiguring Global Supply Chain Footprint


Dan McLeod | Director, East West Associates
  • Director, East West Associates
Harris Bricken
  • Partner
Reconfiguring Global Supply Chain Footprint

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Reconfiguring Global Supply Chain Footprint



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Supply Chain Over-Dependence on China Negatively Affecting Valuations


Supply Chain Over-Dependence on China Negatively Affecting Valuations

Supply Chain Over-Dependence on China Negatively Affecting Valuations

About the Webinar

Development of a key element of a strong exit preparation – an evidence-backed explanation of why the asset is a great investment opportunity.

    • Why the business is a strong asset.
    • How it’s going to improve (the upside for the next owner).
    • Why it’s strategically beneficial.

Is proving to be a major challenge at a time when it is needed most for 3 reasons:

    • The heightened awareness of the need for risk diversification in supply chains
    • The heightened awareness of companies’ current over-dependency on China in supply chains
    • Many PE firms & companies are uncertain about making changes to supply chains, due to the current volatility of the global business environment (Source: McKinsey)

This webinar discusses how companies can diversify into Mexico, Asia and Central Eastern Europe.

    • Business Environments and Product Concentrations
    • Sourcing & Procurement Consideration in these countries
    • Explanation of country evaluation & selection process
    • Explanation of identification & qualification of suppliers
Supply Chain Over-Dependence on China Negatively Affecting Valuations


Mark Plum | Director, East West Associates
  • Former President of Briggs & Stratton Asia (NYSE: BGG)
  • VP Sales & Marketing, American Standard Thailand & American Standard China
Dan McLeod | Director, East West Associates
  • Former Director Asia Pacific Operations- Ashland Specialty Ingredients
  • General Manager-Eaton Corporation (SE Asia)
  • Director of Asia Pacific Manufacturing and Supply Chain-Hercules
Supply Chain Over-Dependence on China Negatively Affecting Valuations

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Supply Chain Over-Dependence on China Negatively Affecting Valuations



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Reducing the Costs of Supplying Customers in Europe


Reducing the Costs of Supplying Customers in Europe

Reducing the Costs of Supplying Customers in Europe

About The Webinar

East West Roundtable with Senior Executives

This webinar discusses the growing importance of supplying customers in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary.

The webinar is divided into 4 segments:

    • Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland & Hungary / An Overview of the Region
    • Cost Comparisons of Supplying Customers in Europe
    • Leveraging the Advantages of Supplying European Customers from V4
      Global Manufacturing Footprint & Supply Chain Optimization
    • Working Example Case Studies
Reducing the Costs of Supplying Customers in Europe


Mark Plum | Director, East West Associates
  • Former President of Briggs & Stratton Asia (NYSE: BGG)
  • VP Sales & Marketing, American Standard Thailand & American Standard China
Dan McLeod | Director, East West Associates
  • Former Director Asia Pacific Operations- Ashland Specialty Ingredients
  • General Manager-Eaton Corporation (SE Asia)
  • Director of Asia Pacific Manufacturing and Supply Chain-Hercules
Reducing the Costs of Supplying Customers in Europe

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Reducing the Costs of Supplying Customers in Europe



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