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Shifting Manufacturing and Supply Chain Operations to Mexico
The global shift to electric and sustainable vehicles is set to bring about incredible transformation for the planet and its transportation needs, and Thailand is among those leading this charge.
Major Investments In Thailand Focus on Electronic Vehicle Manufacturing
The global shift to electric and sustainable vehicles is set to bring about incredible transformation for the planet and its transportation needs, and Thailand is among those leading this charge.
Webinar Executive Summary | How To Approach China Alternatives
East West experts Mark Plum and Dan McLeod discuss how companies can approach finding alternatives to China for their manufacturing and supply chains, providing examples of companies they assisted diversifying from China while answering questions from the audience.
Volatility Matters Less Than Risk
Turbulence in global markets has fueled a cottage industry in geostrategic analysis where the dominant narrative concludes that war with China—cold and likely hot—is inevitable and that companies must follow the theory of Gwyneth Paltrow and consciously uncouple.
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