This webinar discusses China plant closures, improvements, consolidations, relocations and sourcing within China and in other countries.
Is it Time To Expand Your Global Supply Chain into Southeast Asia
This webinar discusses the changes that have taken place in the Chemical Industry due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Should Mexico Be a Part of Your Global Supply Chain Strategy?
Mexico is a good supply chain base for certain products, but is not a replacement for China. This webinar helps companies decide if Mexico should be part of your global supply chain strategy.
Chemical Industry in China: How Covid-19 Changed the Business Environment
This webinar discusses the changes that have taken place in the Chemical Industry due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Supply Chain Over-Dependence on China Negatively Affecting Valuations
This webinar discusses how companies can diversify their supply chains into Mexico, Asia and Central Eastern Europe.
Feasibility of Global Manufacturing & Supply Chain Strategies
This webinar helps companies to identify and eliminate potential stumbling blocks in validating the financial and implementation feasibility of company strategies to expand/relocate supply chains beyond China.
Global Supply Chain Optimization in a Changing China
This webinar discusses how to reevaluate China’s role in a company’s global supply chain.
Counteracting the Effects of the Coronavirus Upon Global Businesses
This East West Associates webinar discusses how companies can diversify their business from China to Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines.
Disruption in China is Driving Company Expansion into Mexico
Mexico is a good supply chain base for certain products, but has its own set of specific issues and concerns.
How to Get and Keep the Best Talent in China
This webinar talks about how companies can attract and retain the best available talent in China.