This webinar discusses how companies have successfully managed their supply chain diversification to Mexico, Central Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia.
Global Footprint Services
China Plant Closures, Consolidation & Relocation
This webinar discusses China plant closures, improvements, consolidations, relocations and sourcing within China and in other countries.
Is it Time To Expand Your Global Supply Chain into Southeast Asia
This webinar discusses the changes that have taken place in the Chemical Industry due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Chemical Industry in China: How Covid-19 Changed the Business Environment
This webinar discusses the changes that have taken place in the Chemical Industry due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Counteracting the Effects of the Coronavirus Upon Global Businesses
This East West Associates webinar discusses how companies can diversify their business from China to Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines.
Disruption in China is Driving Company Expansion into Mexico
Mexico is a good supply chain base for certain products, but has its own set of specific issues and concerns.
US-China Trade Tariffs: Driving Companies to Expand Beyond China
This webinar focuses on understanding how companies’ perspectives and their retaliatory actions towards the US-China trade tariffs have changed since the trade tariffs were first imposed in March 2018 and what these changes mean for the future.
Reducing the Costs of Supplying Customers in Europe
This East West Associates webinar discusses the growing importance of supplying customers in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland and Hungary.
Mitigating the Impact of the US China Tariffs
This webinar discusses the operational, commercial and supply chain counteractive measures companies can take to mitigate the impact of the US China Tariffs.
Manufacturing Plant Location Changes in China
This webinar helps companies successfully navigate new capital investments by providing insights into the complexity of site selection, plant relocations and closures in China.